100+ Tech Blogs, 10+ Research Journals, Summarized on a Single Feed

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How to add leads from LinkedIn Ads to Google Sheets

Zapier | By Khamosh Pathak

April 18, 2024

  • LinkedIn offers rich professional data that allows you to run targeted advertising campaigns, generating high-quality leads.
  • To maximize the value of these leads, you can connect your LinkedIn Ads to Google Sheets using Zapier, an automated workflow platform.
  • Simply set up a trigger in Zapier that responds to new lead submissions in LinkedIn, and an action that creates a corresponding row in your Google Sheets spreadsheet.
  • By mapping the LinkedIn data fields to the appropriate spreadsheet columns, you can seamlessly import and organize your leads for easier data analysis, sharing, and integration with other tools.
  • This workflow automates the process of capturing and managing LinkedIn leads, saving you time and effort.

Improving Shopify App’s Performance

Shopify | By Talha Naqvi

March 5, 2024

  • Shopify's mobile app is a crucial tool for merchants, allowing them to manage their businesses from anywhere.
  • To enhance its performance, a team embarked on a mission to improve its speed and efficiency.
  • They established performance goals (e.g., loading critical screens under 500ms) and tracked their progress through real-time dashboards.
  • Key performance issues were addressed, such as optimizing unnecessary work, leveraging caching, and improving native module startup time.
  • By adopting strategies like LazyScrollView, ListSource, and pre-warming cache, they significantly reduced app launch time by 44% and screen load times by 59%.
  • This journey highlighted the importance of continuous performance monitoring, optimization, and dedication to providing the best experience for users.

Low Code Limitations - Exploring the Risk of Vendor Lock-In


April 19, 2024

  • Low-code platforms, while efficient for app development, can create a dependency on specific skills and vendor lock-in if not managed carefully.
  • Warning signs include limited customization, proprietary data formats, poor integration with other systems, and knowledge loss when citizen developers leave.
  • To mitigate risks, consider low-code platforms only for simple apps or prototypes.
  • Ensure compatibility, data portability, and modular app design.
  • Train teams on a wider range of skills to avoid platform dependence.
  • Consider open-source meta-frameworks and platforms for greater flexibility and control over app development, avoiding lock-in and promoting rapid development.
  • This allows for the creation of customized apps while minimizing the need for specialized training and dependency on specific individuals.

Build a Responsive Website with HTML and CSS - Course in Spanish

freeCodeCamp | By Estefania Cassingena Navone

April 24, 2024

  • Responsive web development involves creating websites that adjust their appearance and content to fit any device, such as phones, tablets, or computers.
  • This course teaches you how to build a responsive website in Spanish using HTML and CSS.
  • The course covers core concepts of responsive design and gives you hands-on experience creating a responsive website.
  • By learning HTML, CSS, and Flexbox, you'll be equipped to design and implement websites that adapt smoothly to different screen sizes.
  • This not only enhances the user experience but also improves search engine rankings.

The Slingshot Effect: A Late-Stage Optimization Anomaly in Adam-Family of Optimization Methods

Apple ML Research

April 22, 2024

  • Adaptive gradient methods like Adam are popular for training neural networks, especially with Transformers.
  • However, during late-stage training, a strange behavior called the "Slingshot Effect" arises.
  • This effect involves a back-and-forth movement between stable and unstable training phases, seen in the pattern of weights in the last layer.
  • This unusual phenomenon doesn't fit with current optimization theories, indicating a need for further research.
  • Notably, another optimization technique called "Grokking" tends to occur at the start of the Slingshot Effects.
  • This suggests that adaptive gradient optimizers behave surprisingly at late training stages, prompting a reevaluation of their theoretical foundations.
  • By studying this behavior, we gain insights into how these optimization methods work, which is crucial for improving the performance and efficiency of neural networks.

Why don’t we talk about minifying CSS anymore?


April 24, 2024

  • CSS minification has become less necessary due to modern front-end tooling that automatically handles it.
  • Nonetheless, it's crucial for front-end developers to grasp how CSS is delivered to the browser.
  • Understanding this process allows developers to monitor its impact on app performance in real-world scenarios, ensuring optimal performance even with the convenience of modern frameworks.

Top 10 Launches from Supabase GA Week


April 18, 2024

  • Supabase released several updates in their latest Launch Week.
  • They've made it easier to start projects with Bootstrap, added branching for seamless code development, and introduced a Postgres extension for index recommendations.
  • Supabase now supports Swift for Apple devices and has added tools for security and performance monitoring.
  • AI models can be integrated into Edge Functions, and Supabase Storage is now compatible with S3.
  • Anonymous sign-ins allow users to try apps without registering.
  • Oriole, a fast table storage extension, is now integrated into Supabase.
  • Fly Postgres, a managed Postgres offering, is opening up for testing.
  • Supabase has also hosted numerous community meetups and is planning a bigger event in San Francisco.

The Open Medical-LLM Leaderboard: Benchmarking Large Language Models in Healthcare


April 19, 2024

  • Large Language Models (LLMs) are powerful tools that can enhance healthcare, but it's essential to ensure their accuracy and reliability.
  • The Open Medical-LLM Leaderboard has been developed to evaluate the performance of LLMs on various medical tasks, using a comprehensive range of datasets that encompass multiple areas of medical knowledge.
  • The leaderboard provides insights into the strengths and weaknesses of different models, guiding researchers and practitioners in the development of more effective LLMs.
  • By offering a standardized platform for evaluation, the leaderboard supports the advancement of medical AI, ultimately contributing to better patient care and outcomes.

5 ways to automate SendGrid with Zapier

Zapier | By Daniel Kenitz

April 24, 2024

  • Simplify your email marketing process by connecting your email delivery service (like SendGrid) with your other business tools using Zapier.
  • This allows for seamless customer experiences by automatically adding new leads to your email campaigns when they take specific actions (like submitting forms or clicking on ads).
  • Zapier's automated workflows, called Zaps, make it easy to streamline tasks such as sending follow-up emails, connecting with spreadsheets, receiving information from webhooks, nurturing leads, and creating personalized campaigns based on customer data.
  • By integrating SendGrid with your tech stack, you can create a comprehensive email presence that practically runs itself, extracting key data to tailor campaigns and build strong customer relationships.

40+ best digital marketing tools in 2024

Zapier | By Jessica Lau

April 19, 2024

  • Zapier helps businesses simplify their digital marketing by automating tasks across various apps.
  • It allows you to connect essential marketing tools, such as form builders and meeting schedulers, with apps used by your team.
  • By streamlining processes, businesses can save time, improve efficiency, and easily expand their marketing efforts.
  • Zapier provides resources to help you automate marketing automation apps, streamline marketing operations, and leverage marketing automation to grow your business.

How to post on Facebook from an RSS feed

Zapier | By Khamosh Pathak

April 23, 2024

  • Create a Zapier "Zap" that automatically posts new blog posts from an RSS feed to a Facebook page.
  • The Zap template simplifies the process, but advanced users can customize it.
  • Connect your RSS feed and Facebook Pages account.
  • Choose a post from the RSS feed and set up how the post will appear on Facebook.
  • Select the Page, customize the Post Message with text and data from the RSS feed, and add the post Link.
  • Test the Zap to ensure it works correctly.
  • Once activated, every new RSS feed post will be automatically published on your Facebook page, connecting your blog content with your Facebook followers.

Kubernetes 1.30: Validating Admission Policy Is Generally Available


April 24, 2024

  • Kubernetes has introduced ValidatingAdmissionPolicy, which provides a declarative way to evaluate and enforce rules for Kubernetes objects.
  • It replaces the earlier validating admission webhook feature.
  • Just like a webhook, you can define rules to check and warn or reject requests for creating or updating objects.
  • However, ValidatingAdmissionPolicy is more convenient because it's declaratively configured within the Kubernetes API itself, eliminating the need for managing separate webhook processes.
  • You can monitor the performance and usage of these policies using metrics available in the API server, allowing you to track the impact and effectiveness of your rules.

AI in customer service: 11 ways to automate support

Zapier | By Bryce Emley

April 22, 2024

  • New Mexico's Blake's Lotaburger serves a unique Christmas-style breakfast burrito with both red and green chile.
  • While the author's experience with AI-powered customer service includes a personalized order-taking chatbot, AI is increasingly used in customer service to streamline workflows and enhance customer experiences.
  • Companies employ AI to analyze customer data, provide self-support options, assist agents, and improve processes.
  • Specific examples include using chatbots to answer common questions, leveraging machine learning for personalized shopping experiences, monitoring wait times, and generating content for agent responses.
  • While AI offers benefits like increased efficiency and lower costs, concerns include privacy, system maintenance, implementation challenges, and team resistance.
  • Several AI customer support software options are available, including AI help desks, generative AI tools, chatbot solutions, and integrated platforms.
  • Automating customer service using AI can significantly improve efficiency, customer satisfaction, and retention.

How We Scaled Salesforce Edge Up to 5 Million Orgs

Salesforce | By Scott Nyberg

April 19, 2024

  • Salesforce Edge, an internal content delivery network, experienced rapid growth and encountered scalability issues with its control plane architecture.
  • To address this, the team considered rewriting the software from scratch but opted for a refactoring approach for the data plane to maintain interoperability and security.
  • They used a systematic approach, prioritizing metrics and identifying areas for improvement.
  • The most significant pain point was the limited scale of configuration size, which was resolved by adopting a streaming approach and multi-threading for maximum core utilization.
  • By prioritizing scalability and learning from the original architecture, the team successfully addressed the pain points and increased the customer base from 130,000 to 2 million without downtime.

Welcome Llama 3 - Meta's new open LLM


April 18, 2024

  • Meta has released Llama 3, a series of four large language models (LLMs) designed for open-source use in artificial intelligence applications.
  • Llama 3 includes 8B and 70B parameter-sized base models as well as instruction-tuned variants.
  • It also features a new tokenizer, larger vocabulary, and Grouped-Query Attention for handling longer contexts.
  • Trained on a massive dataset, Llama 3 exhibits strong performance in various tasks.
  • The Hugging Face ecosystem fully supports Llama 3, providing integrations for easy use, deployment, and fine-tuning.
  • Whether you're interested in prototyping or production-scale deployment, Hugging Face's tools and partnerships with cloud platforms streamline the process.

How we engineer feedback at Figma with eng crits

Figma | By Laura Pang

February 29, 2024

  • Figma promotes a collaborative environment where engineers are encouraged to share and seek feedback on work in progress.
  • To foster innovation and knowledge sharing, the company introduced "engineering critiques." These sessions allow engineers to present technical designs, brainstorm ideas, and seek expert input.
  • By using FigJam, a visual collaboration tool, engineers can easily contribute and review feedback simultaneously.
  • Engineering critiques have become an integral part of Figma's workflow, helping teams explore novel approaches, unblock each other, and lift ideas up.
  • The process involves preparing a design doc in FigJam, presenting the design during the session, soliciting feedback via sticky notes, and then refining the design based on the input received after the session.
  • Engineering critiques are not a substitute for technical reviews but serve as a valuable stepping stone, providing early feedback and allowing teams to make informed decisions as they move forward.

What is Llama 3 and why does it matter?

Zapier | By Harry Guinness

April 19, 2024

  • Meta's Llama 3 is a free and open-source large language model similar to OpenAI's GPT and Google's Gemini.
  • Meta has trained Llama 3 with a massive dataset and various techniques to generate human-like text.
  • It comes in several versions with varying capabilities, including an "instruct" model that understands instructions well.
  • Developers can use Llama 3 as a starting point to create custom LLMs for specific tasks.
  • Meta's openness allows companies to have more control over their AI applications and promotes the development of innovative AI solutions.

How to Determine Causal Effects when A/B Tests are Infeasible through Adopter Analysis

Walmart | By Avanti Chande

April 19, 2024

  • Testing new products or features can be challenging for businesses.
  • However, analyzing the behavior of early adopters, those who eagerly embrace new products, can provide valuable insights.
  • By understanding why they adopt and how they use the product, businesses can gain insights into the product's potential appeal, user experience, and areas for improvement, ultimately making the testing process more feasible and effective.

Maximizing the value of cloud with FinOps

Thoughtworks | By Ajay Chankramath

April 23, 2024

  • FinOps is a practice that helps businesses optimize their cloud computing expenses.
  • It involves tracking cloud usage, understanding costs, and making informed decisions to reduce spending.
  • FinOps also includes reporting on cloud usage and costs, which can help businesses identify areas for improvement.
  • By implementing FinOps, businesses can ensure they are getting the most value from their cloud investments and avoid overspending.

Technical Learning at Lyft: Build a Strong Data Science Team

Lyft | By Shumpei Goke

April 24, 2024

  • Lyft's Technical Learning Council (TLC) provides ongoing learning opportunities to enhance the technical skills of their data scientists.
  • TLC offers a variety of programs, including lecture series on data science methods, a Computer Science for Data Scientists course to teach foundational computer science skills, and guest talks from experts in the field.
  • These programs aim to build scientists' core data science abilities, enhance their software engineering skills, and keep them abreast of the latest research trends.
  • TLC also hosts forums like Science Brown Bag, where scientists can share their project achievements and foster collaboration.
  • By investing in technical learning, TLC supports data scientists in solving complex problems, driving innovation, and advancing their careers.
  • This contributes to both Lyft's business success and the professional growth of its scientists.

Let’s Architect! Discovering Generative AI on AWS

AWS Architecture | By Luca Mezzalira

April 24, 2024

  • Generative AI, a technology that produces new content from existing data, has various applications beyond language or image creation.
  • It can help you tackle challenges related to workloads and enhance DevOps practices.
  • By using techniques like RAG (providing contextual information) and fine-tuning, you can optimize your generative AI models.
  • Hands-on workshops and practical examples will guide you in building, training, and deploying your models.
  • Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Bedrock are available to support you in your journey.
  • Using generative AI can unlock new possibilities to improve your DevOps and other areas.

BrowserStack Newsletter April 2024

Browserstack | By BrowserStack Team

April 23, 2024

  • BrowserStack, a software testing platform, announces enhancements to its products.
  • For Live and App Live, improved filters in the SIM dashboard ensure a seamless testing experience.
  • Automate offers dynamic device allocation, expanding device coverage.
  • App Automate supports the latest Detox version.
  • Test Observability introduces a Component Summary Widget and CodeceptJS framework integration.
  • Test Management enhances Jira integration with AI-assisted test case creation.
  • BrowserStack also highlights its community initiatives, including the BrowserStack Champions program and QA meet-ups in various cities worldwide.

What’s new in security for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS?

Canonical | By Alex Murray (Alex Murray)

April 24, 2024

  • Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat) boasts enhanced security features, providing a secure foundation for deploying applications and services in a risk-filled environment.
  • It introduces restrictions on unprivileged user namespaces to prevent potential vulnerabilities, implements binary hardening measures like increased protection against buffer overflows, and enables hardware-based security features such as pointer authentication and branch target identification.
  • AppArmor 4 brings advanced access control options and allows deferring decisions to trusted programs.
  • Ubuntu 24.04 LTS also disables outdated TLS versions to avoid potential downgrade attacks.
  • Additionally, it incorporates kernel security features from Linux kernel v6.8, including Intel shadow stack support, offering protection against return-oriented programming attacks.
  • For confidential computing, it introduces support for AMD SEV-SNP and Intel TDX, providing memory encryption and integrity protection for virtual machines.
  • Strict compile-time bounds checking further strengthens security by detecting potential buffer overflows.
  • Combined with extended support options, Ubuntu 24.04 LTS delivers a robust and highly secure platform for developing and deploying critical systems.

Our biggest product updates from Sessions 2024


April 24, 2024

  • Stripe Sessions 2023 unveiled key product updates designed to enhance payment experiences and optimize revenue generation.
  • Improved payment methods and customizable checkout options offer increased conversion rates.
  • Terminal, a point-of-sale solution, now provides offline mode, fleet management, and support for various enterprise features.
  • The Advanced Payments Engine leverages AI to improve authorization, reduce costs, and combat fraud.
  • Organizations allows businesses with multiple entities to manage their accounts under one unified platform.
  • Embedded Payments and Finance enables businesses to integrate financial services and payments into their platforms.
  • Revenue and Finance Automation introduces usage-based billing, automations, and advanced discounting logic.
  • Tax support has expanded to 57 countries, streamlining tax collection and reporting.
  • Moreover, Stripe's modularity allows it to seamlessly work with other payment processors and third-party providers, expanding its ecosystem.

Data Democratization: Embracing Trusted Data to Transform Your Business


April 24, 2024

  • Data democratization makes data accessible and understandable to everyone in an organization, not just data scientists.
  • It ensures that data-driven decisions can be made at all levels, improving accuracy and trustworthiness.
  • By breaking down data silos and empowering users with self-service tools, data democratization unlocks the full potential of data and drives better outcomes.

Steady progress in approaching the quantum advantage


April 24, 2024

  • Quantum technology (QT), including quantum computing, sensing, and communication, has experienced significant advancements in recent years.
  • While private funding for QT start-ups has declined slightly, public investment has surged by over 50%, led by countries like Germany, the UK, and South Korea.
  • The focus has shifted towards scaling established start-ups, with a majority of funding going to companies founded five years ago or more.
  • Technological breakthroughs have included progress towards fault-tolerant quantum computing, improved quantum sensing techniques, and advancements in quantum communication.
  • The EU and the UK lead in academic programs, showcasing a growing talent pool.
  • However, collaborations among industry, academia, and government are crucial for addressing challenges, and innovation clusters are emerging to connect these stakeholders and drive value creation in QT.

In Their Own Words: 15 Salesforce Engineering Innovators Discuss the Art of Problem Solving

Salesforce | By Scott Nyberg

April 18, 2024

  • In Salesforce Engineering, leaders like Indira Iyer, Christopher Williams, and Kwesi Ames believe solving complex problems efficiently and creatively motivates them.
  • They foster a culture of innovation, experimentation, and risk-taking, which empowers engineers like Jeanine Walters, Anish Bhatt, and Evangelina Martinez Ruiz Moreno to collaborate openly, fail fast, and iterate to find innovative solutions.
  • Engineers like Yingbo Zhou and Vera Vetter find that AI technology enables them to address real-world problems, while Soumya KV, Archana Kumari, and Shiraz Ali prioritize solving customer issues directly.
  • Collaboration between teams, diverse perspectives, and autonomy in problem-solving are key ingredients for the success of engineers like Shelby Heinecke, Boris Gamazaychikov, and Zane Whitfield, allowing them to make a tangible impact and continuously learn and grow.

Kubernetes 1.30: Structured Authentication Configuration Moves to Beta


April 25, 2024

  • Kubernetes 1.30 introduces a new and improved authentication system called Structured Authentication Configuration, which allows for more flexibility and extensibility in managing who can access your cluster.
  • This new system allows you to use multiple authentication methods, such as multiple JWT authenticators, and change the configuration without interrupting the API server.
  • It also supports different types of tokens and complex logic to determine if a token is valid, and works with identity providers that may not support certain protocols.
  • To use this new system, specify the path to an authentication configuration file using the '--authentication-config' command line argument when launching the API server.
  • While it's still in beta, you can try it out in Kubernetes v1.30 and provide feedback to help shape future improvements.

How to Debug Node.js Applications Using the debugger; Statement

freeCodeCamp | By Yogesh Chavan

April 22, 2024

  • This tutorial provides a beginner-friendly guide to debugging Node.js code.
  • To debug your application, start by opening the Chrome browser and navigating to the "inspect" link under the "Remote Target" section.
  • Click the blue triangle icon to skip initial debugging.
  • Then, trigger the code you want to debug by making an API call or performing an action that will execute the code.
  • This will allow you to step through the code line by line and identify any issues, enabling you to efficiently resolve errors and improve your application's functionality.

SAMMO: A general-purpose framework for prompt optimization

Microsoft Research | By Brenda Potts

April 18, 2024

Data Science
  • Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized various tasks, but they heavily rely on customized instructions known as prompts.
  • However, optimizing these prompts has been a challenge.
  • New language models can handle longer inputs, enabling more detailed instructions.
  • A technique called Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) dynamically adds information to prompts based on specific inputs.
  • To optimize RAG prompts, researchers have developed SAMMO, a framework that allows for flexible prompt modification by treating them as dynamic entities.
  • SAMMO optimizes both the structure and text of prompts, considering multiple objectives like accuracy and efficiency.
  • It has shown significant performance improvements in tasks such as translating user queries into a specific language and optimizing instructions for LLMs.
  • SAMMO's flexibility and wide range of applications make it a valuable tool for researchers and practitioners in the field of natural language processing.

Wide Open: NVIDIA Accelerates Inference on Meta Llama 3

Nvidia | By Ankit Patel

April 18, 2024

  • NVIDIA is committed to supporting open-source AI software that makes it easier for users to tackle complex problems.
  • By optimizing community models, NVIDIA aims to promote transparency and encourage collaboration on AI safety and resilience.
  • The company's AI inference platform utilizes advanced techniques like low-rank adaptation to accelerate the latest Large Language Models (LLMs) such as NIM, TensorRT-LLM, and Triton, making AI more accessible and efficient.

Security Keys at Reddit

Reddit | By /u/sassyshalimar

April 22, 2024

  • In response to a security incident last year, Reddit implemented a new security measure for its employees by requiring the use of YubiKeys, which are physical keys that provide an additional layer of protection when logging into internal systems.
  • YubiKeys use a form of cryptography that makes them resistant to phishing.
  • Reddit chose YubiKeys to ensure that only the correct device and user can log in, preventing unauthorized access.
  • The company distributed two keys to each employee, providing a backup in case of loss or damage.
  • While Touch ID on laptops is also used as an additional security measure, YubiKeys are still recommended for secure authentication across multiple devices.
  • The rollout of YubiKeys has also been accompanied by other security enhancements, aiming to protect employee accounts and sensitive company information.

How Virtual Factories Are Making Industrial Digitalization a Reality

Nvidia | By James McKenna

April 24, 2024

  • As electric vehicles, semiconductors, and sustainability become increasingly important, manufacturers are investing in new and improved factories.
  • To overcome challenges like budget overruns and communication issues, they are embracing digitalization and virtual factories.
  • These virtual factories are digital replicas of real factories, allowing manufacturers to simulate and optimize production processes, facility designs, and operations.
  • They enable efficient communication, real-time design verification, and data-driven decision-making.
  • Leading technology companies such as Pixar, Adobe, Apple, Autodesk, and NVIDIA are developing standards and platforms, like OpenUSD and NVIDIA Omniverse, to facilitate the development and interoperability of virtual factory solutions.
  • Industrial leaders like Continental, Pegatron, Rockwell Automation, Siemens, and Wistron are already leveraging these technologies to optimize factory layouts, streamline operations, and improve production efficiency.
  • By embracing virtual factories, manufacturers can improve collaboration, reduce project risk, and maximize productivity.

What is Biophilic Design? How to Reconnect with Nature through Web Design

freeCodeCamp | By Jaja Ibifubara David

April 23, 2024

  • Biophilic design aims to reconnect us with nature in built environments, including digital spaces.
  • This approach stems from our innate connection to the natural world and its benefits for our well-being.
  • As our lives become increasingly screen-centric, we are spending less time outdoors, leading to various health and mental health issues.
  • Biophilic web design incorporates elements of nature, such as organic shapes, natural materials, and light, into website designs.
  • These elements enhance the user experience by creating calming and engaging digital environments that promote well-being.
  • By embracing biophilic principles, web designers can create websites that foster a sense of connection with nature, differentiate their brands, and improve user engagement.

Up to No Good: ‘No Rest for the Wicked’ Early Access Launches on GeForce NOW

Nvidia | By GeForce NOW Community

April 18, 2024

  • Get ready for some wicked action! "No Rest for the Wicked," a thrilling action RPG, joins the GeForce NOW library of over 1,500 games.
  • Play as a holy warrior on a mission to uncover secrets and fight monsters in a plague-stricken world.
  • Create your unique character, explore an immersive storyline, and prepare for epic boss battles.
  • GeForce NOW Ultimate members can enjoy the smoothest gameplay streamed from powerful servers.
  • Plus, six new games, including "Evil West," join the service this week.
  • However, League of Legends will be unavailable on GeForce NOW from May 1, 2024, due to a security update.
  • So, adventure awaits you on GeForce NOW, but don't forget to bid farewell to League of Legends soon!.

Join us for Framework by Figma: Our global design systems event

Figma | By Chris Felix

April 3, 2024

  • Design systems, which were once simple style guides, have become essential foundations for building successful digital products.
  • Figma's Framework event on April 16th aims to empower design systems teams with the tools and knowledge they need.
  • With in-depth explorations of new features, insights from industry leaders, and talks from Figma's product teams, attendees can learn about the latest advancements in design systems.
  • The event will also focus on uniting designers and engineers, showcasing the importance of cross-functional collaboration.
  • Whether you're in London, Tokyo, or attending the virtual stream, Framework is a global celebration of the design systems community, providing a platform for sharing ideas and shaping the future of design systems.

How to Choose the Right LLM for Your Use Case

DataRobot | By Nathaniel Daly

April 18, 2024

  • In the ever-changing world of generative AI, it's crucial to choose the right tools for your project.
  • With a vast selection of language models, embedding models, and vector databases, picking the best fit can be challenging.
  • It's important to consider factors like cost, performance, and reliability to avoid risks such as outdated tools or inappropriate responses.
  • Open source and commercial options are available, each with its own advantages.
  • Platforms like HuggingFace offer access to a wide range of components and models, including embedding models and open source LLMs.
  • To choose the right LLM, it's best to experiment with them directly and compare their performance in different scenarios.
  • The combination of DataRobot and HuggingFace simplifies this process, allowing you to set up endpoints, compare models, and securely deploy them, all while providing comprehensive monitoring capabilities.
  • By carefully considering various factors and engaging in thorough testing, it's possible to select the right LLM and deliver accurate and reliable generative AI solutions.

Medtech propels economic growth and innovation in Southern California


April 23, 2024

  • Southern California has emerged as a thriving center for medical technology (medtech) innovation.
  • Over 100 leading companies in this sector operate here, generating significant value and rewarding shareholders with impressive returns that surpass industry and market benchmarks.
  • SoCal's medtech industry is driven by a commitment to developing cutting-edge technologies that enhance patient care.
  • The region's diverse range of companies covers various patient needs, fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge sharing, talent development, and investment opportunities.

The 12 best productivity apps for iPad in 2024

Zapier | By Michelle Martin

April 18, 2024

  • For note-taking on your iPad, Apple Notes is a simple and organized choice, automatically sorting notes into folders and tags.
  • iCloud Keychain seamlessly manages passwords across Apple devices, enhancing security and convenience.
  • Apple Shortcuts automates tasks with a single tap, simplifying workflows.
  • Other useful utilities include Apple Files for managing storage, iFont for customizing fonts, and WidgetSmith for creating personalized widgets.
  • iPad also offers built-in productivity apps such as Apple Calendar, Reminders, and Focus, each tailored to specific tasks.
  • The best apps for you depend on your individual preferences and needs, so experiment until you find the perfect combination to boost your iPad productivity.

Introducing the Open Chain of Thought Leaderboard


April 23, 2024

  • The Open Chain-of-Thought Leaderboard measures how well large language models (LLMs) can provide step-by-step explanations (chain-of-thought traces) when solving reasoning problems.
  • It uses tasks like answering logic puzzles and legal reasoning questions.
  • LLMs are prompted to first think aloud and then provide a solution, allowing researchers to track the model's reasoning process and see how it affects accuracy.
  • So far, smaller LLMs have shown surprising effectiveness in chain-of-thought reasoning, and tuning models for specific tasks has helped improve their performance.
  • However, there's still room for improvement, and the project welcomes contributions from the community, including submitting LLMs for evaluation, analyzing results, creating an interactive dashboard, and proposing new reasoning chains and tasks.

How We Manage White-label Integrations in Runtime

Agoda | By Agoda Engineering

April 24, 2024

  • You can set up your build tasks to run tests only when the specific modules you've changed are affected.
  • For white-label modules, only test the ones that have changed, excluding core modules.
  • For other modules, run tests only if the current module has changed.
  • In the root project, run tests if changes involve the source code.
  • These settings help optimize testing by focusing on the relevant parts, improving efficiency and ensuring accurate results.

Building Enterprise GenAI Apps with Meta Llama 3 on Databricks


April 18, 2024

  • Databricks and Meta have teamed up to introduce Meta Llama 3, an advanced language model, making it accessible to all users on the Databricks platform.
  • This model empowers individuals to process and understand large volumes of text in various languages with greater accuracy and efficiency.

Talaria: Interactively Optimizing Machine Learning Models for Efficient Inference

Apple ML Research

April 24, 2024

  • On-device machine learning (ML) allows for privacy-protected, personalized experiences by processing data directly on personal devices.
  • However, creating efficient ML models for devices with limited resources like smartphones is challenging.
  • To address this, we developed Talaria, a system that helps practitioners optimize ML models.
  • Talaria allows practitioners to see how models will perform on specific devices, interactively visualize model details, and test optimization options.
  • Our evaluations, including user surveys and interviews, have shown that Talaria has been widely adopted, with over 800 practitioners using it to optimize over 3,600 models.
  • These users find Talaria's features useful for understanding and improving their ML models.

An illustrated guide to the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

Thoughtworks | By Gitanjali Venkatraman

April 24, 2024

  • The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a secure and efficient method for encrypting data.
  • It is commonly used to protect sensitive information in areas such as cryptography, cybersecurity, and digital communications.
  • AES encrypts data using a complex algorithm that transforms the original data into a scrambled form that is difficult to decipher.
  • This ensures the confidentiality and integrity of the data, safeguarding it from unauthorized access.

How Feature Flags and Role-Based Access Control Can Help Secure Your DevOps Process

freeCodeCamp | By Kayode Adeniyi

April 22, 2024

  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is crucial for DevOps teams to secure their production environments.
  • It allows them to assign specific roles and permissions to users, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access and modify systems and applications.
  • By incorporating RBAC into their DevOps processes, teams can implement the principle of least privilege, granting users only the permissions they need to perform their tasks.
  • RBAC can be used with both cloud platforms and DevOps tools to streamline feature releases and reduce the risk of downtime incidents.
  • Additionally, RBAC can enhance DevOps compliance by ensuring that all access and permissions are properly managed and controlled.
  • By leveraging RBAC and feature flagging, DevOps teams can streamline their processes while maintaining the security and reliability of their production systems.

Behind the feature: Inline device frames

Figma | By Chia Amisola,Â

February 27, 2024

  • Figma, a popular design tool, has introduced several improvements to enhance prototyping.
  • Notable updates include faster interaction duplication, an easy way to delete flows, and advanced features for importing elements with local variables.
  • Additionally, performance has been boosted, reducing loading times.
  • A key highlight is the inline device frames feature, which allows designers to incorporate device frames directly into the editor, providing a more realistic representation of app designs on various devices.
  • This feature is supported on mobile, tablet, and watch devices and offers intuitive interactions with hit targets specifically designed for each device type.
  • SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is utilized for hit detection, enabling precise dragging and resizing.
  • Designers worked closely with engineers to develop custom tools, ensuring a seamless integration of device frames into the Figma editor.
  • This collaborative process showcases Figma's commitment to streamlining workflow and fostering creativity in the design process.

What is top of mind for dairy executives in 2024?


April 23, 2024

  • As the world's population grows, the dairy industry must find ways to sustainably feed people.
  • Sustainability has become a top concern for dairy executives, who are also navigating challenges with regulations and a changing labor market.
  • While executives are excited about growth and innovation in the industry, they worry about the costs of sustainability initiatives and the complexity of addressing emissions from farms.
  • Despite these challenges, the industry is making progress toward sustainability goals, with many companies now having dedicated sustainability leads.
  • Dairy companies are also addressing labor needs and inflation, and focusing on attracting and retaining a new generation of workers.
  • By embracing innovation and tackling sustainability head-on, the dairy industry can create a brighter future while meeting the needs of a growing population.

Jack of All Trades, Master of Some, a Multi-Purpose Transformer Agent


April 22, 2024

  • JAT, a revolutionary multi-purpose AI agent, merges the capabilities of a transformer, a powerful neural network, with trained expert policies.
  • It excels in various tasks, including video games, robot control, and language comprehension.
  • JAT's unique architecture handles sequential decision-making and different data types seamlessly.
  • Surprisingly, predicting future observations improves its learning efficiency.
  • The JAT project has released a dataset of expert trajectories and the JAT model itself, encouraging further research in generalist agents and the creation of more versatile AI systems.

No Data, No Problem: How to Kickstart an AI-driven Product | Airbyte


April 24, 2024

  • Securing high-quality data is essential for training effective AI algorithms.
  • If sufficient data is not available, it can be collected internally by recording user activities or requesting feedback.
  • Alternatively, data can be sourced within the organization or externally by accessing publicly available datasets, purchasing from data brokers, or establishing partnerships.
  • Synthetic data generation can also be utilized when real-world data is lacking.
  • Once data is obtained, it is integrated into a centralized location for efficient access and analysis.
  • This integration process involves combining data from various formats and sources.
  • Following data sourcing and integration, the data is prepared and cleaned for model training.
  • From there, the AI model can be selected, trained, evaluated, and iteratively refined until it meets performance expectations and is ready for deployment.

Achieving Performant Single-Tenant Cloud Isolation with IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers, Ubuntu Core, Snaps, and AMD Pensando Elba Data Processing Unit

Canonical | By Benjamin Ryzman (Benjamin Ryzman)

April 22, 2024

  • IBM Cloud’s bare metal servers combine Ubuntu Core, Snaps, and AMD Pensando Elba DPU technology to provide secure and high-performing cloud environments.
  • This setup ensures complete isolation between tenants and the cloud infrastructure, allowing businesses to create secure and efficient environments.
  • By using Ubuntu Core and Snaps, IBM Cloud simplifies the development of secure and reliable software, further enhancing the performance and security of its bare metal servers.
  • The combination of these technologies enables IBM Cloud to offer highly secure and powerful environments for its customers, meeting the demanding requirements of businesses in regulated industries like finance and insurance.

Automation for all

Zapier | By Will Harris

April 22, 2024

  • Automation is an effective tool for tasks that are prone to human error, time-consuming, or repetitive, such as data entry or sending reminders.
  • By automating such tasks, individuals can streamline their work, while teams can enhance collaboration and reporting.
  • At the company level, automation can transform customer lifecycle management and streamline internal processes like payroll or onboarding.
  • Embracing automation empowers everyone within an organization, fostering creativity, efficiency, and improved results, driving the organization's success amidst the competitive landscape.

How to Use Object-Oriented Programming in Python – Explained With Examples

freeCodeCamp | By Damilola Oladele

April 24, 2024

  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) involves creating classes that group related data and methods into objects.
  • In Python, classes serve as blueprints for creating objects, each with its unique attributes and behaviors.
  • Instance attributes hold object-specific data, while class attributes are shared by all instances.
  • Instance methods, defined within classes, allow objects to perform specific actions or access their internal state.
  • Encapsulation ensures data protection by restricting direct access to certain attributes and methods, while inheritance enables classes to inherit and extend the functionality of existing classes.
  • OOP promotes code structure, reusability, and maintainability, especially for complex programs.
  • By organizing code according to real-world relationships, OOP simplifies understanding and modification while facilitating the creation of robust and efficient software.

Jaeger vs Tempo - key features, differences, and alternatives


April 22, 2024

  • Distributed tracing tools like Grafana Tempo and Jaeger help you understand how microservices work together.
  • Tempo, released in 2020, integrates with other tools like Prometheus, while Jaeger, released in 2015, is a popular open-source tool.
  • Distributed tracing involves breaking down user requests into "spans" and tracking them across services using a "trace context." Jaeger and Tempo have similar architectures, with differences in backend storage.
  • Jaeger uses databases like Cassandra or ElasticSearch, while Tempo avoids this maintenance by using a distributor, ingestor, query frontend, querier, and compactor.
  • Both tools provide instrumentation, pipeline, backend, and visualization components.
  • Jaeger's instrumentation relies on OpenTracing APIs, while Tempo uses an open-source vendor-neutral framework.

Jotform vs. Typeform: Which is the best form builder? [2024]

Zapier | By Ryan Kane

April 23, 2024

  • When choosing between Jotform and Typeform, consider your needs.
  • Jotform offers more app integrations than Typeform, including lesser-known software.
  • With Zapier, you can connect both apps to additional tools.
  • Zapier excels in workflow automation, integrating with thousands of apps.
  • If you prioritize aesthetic forms and a user-friendly interface, Typeform is recommended.
  • For affordability and flexibility with app integrations, Jotform is a suitable choice.
  • For a simpler option, Zapier Interfaces allows for easy form creation within broader customer management solutions.

Forecasting the Future: AI2’s Christopher Bretherton Discusses Using Machine Learning for Climate Modeling

Nvidia | By Kristen Yee

April 24, 2024

  • Machine learning, a powerful technology, is being explored by scientists to enhance climate modeling.
  • Traditional climate models have limitations, but machine learning can help overcome them.
  • It allows for more localized predictions, empowering communities to prepare for climate-related risks.
  • By using machine learning, scientists aim to improve the accuracy of climate models, enabling society to better manage the impacts of climate change and create strategies for mitigation and adaptation.
  • Ongoing research and collaboration are crucial in this endeavor, and experts like Christopher Bretherton at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence are leading the way.

Boost your Automation tests with Enhanced BrowserStack SDK

Browserstack | By Rohan Arya

April 19, 2024

  • BrowserStack SDK was released 1.5 years ago to enhance your test automation.
  • It has evolved significantly, reducing setup time, minimizing errors, and optimizing latency.
  • Now, it's on a continuous development path with planned features like intelligent test orchestration and enhanced test healing.
  • Over 90% of users have already adopted SDK, which focuses on improving your testing experience.
  • If you're not using it yet, follow the provided migration guides to join the growing community of users benefiting from its advancements.

Zapier Paths gets a power-up: Introducing new rules

Zapier | By Krystina Martinez

April 24, 2024

  • Zapier recently upgraded its "Paths" tool, which helps automate complex processes.
  • With this update, users can now create "fallback paths" that ensure Zaps run even when conditions aren't met.
  • You can also create "no-rule paths" that always run, regardless of conditions.
  • Additionally, Zapier has made it easier to use Paths with improvements like horizontal path step reordering, path step expanding/collapsing, and drag-and-drop path visualization.
  • These upgrades make it faster and more convenient to create powerful automations without the hassle of decision fatigue.

Inside Data Cloud’s Secret Formula for Processing One Quadrillion Records Monthly

Salesforce | By Scott Nyberg

April 24, 2024

  • Soumya KV and her India-based team at Salesforce are responsible for developing internal apps that assist businesses in tailoring marketing strategies by segmenting customer data into specific groups based on various criteria.
  • This allows companies to target their marketing efforts more effectively, leading to increased conversion rates and better business insights.
  • The team also handles data activation, ensuring that the segmented data is enriched and sent to the appropriate destinations, both within and outside of Salesforce.
  • By unlocking deeper insights into customer behavior, Soumya and her team empower Salesforce customers to make informed decisions that drive business value.
  • They continuously enhance their solutions based on customer feedback, ensuring that their systems meet the scalability, usability, and security requirements of the modern business landscape.

Supabase Storage: now supports the S3 protocol


April 18, 2024

  • Supabase Storage now supports the S3 protocol, making it compatible with numerous third-party tools.
  • This enables users to access and manage their files using industry-standard methods.
  • Additionally, resumable uploads are now generally available, allowing for seamless uploads of large files.
  • Supabase Storage offers three interoperable protocols: standard uploads, resumable uploads, and S3 uploads, providing flexibility in managing files.
  • S3 compatibility simplifies integrations, allows connection to data warehouses and query engines, and enables features like multipart uploads for improved throughput.
  • Authentication options include access keys and user-scoped credentials, ensuring both flexibility and security.
  • The decoupled Storage service can be used standalone, offering developers greater control over their storage infrastructure.

The Data Mesh Strategy Behind Intuit’s Global Financial Technology Platform

Intuit | By Tristan Baker

April 22, 2024

  • Intuit has developed a solid foundation for transforming raw data into a well-organized and high-quality format.
  • This enables them to create personalized experiences for their approximately 100 million consumer and small business customers across their global financial technology platform.
  • Intuit faced challenges in data accessibility, understanding, trust, and consumption.
  • To address these, they implemented a distributed enterprise data mesh architecture.
  • This involves empowering data producers to own and describe their data systems, while consumers can easily discover, understand, and utilize it.
  • By introducing data mesh principles and tools, Intuit saw a 26% increase in productivity.
  • They plan to expand this approach across the entire enterprise, potentially even sharing their API definitions and service implementations to promote industry-wide adoption of data mesh strategies.

Webflow Crash Course

freeCodeCamp | By Beau Carnes

April 24, 2024

  • Mastering Webflow has become easier with the new course on freeCodeCamp.org's YouTube channel.
  • Whether you're a beginner or an experienced designer, this course led by Webflow expert Ashokkumar Chavada will guide you through everything you need to know about Webflow, a powerful tool that allows you to create stunning websites visually without writing code.
  • From understanding the basics of web design to implementing advanced features like CSS Grid and Flexbox, you'll learn how to build responsive landing pages, optimize for SEO, and integrate interactive elements.
  • By the end of this comprehensive 2-hour course, you'll have the confidence to create professional-looking websites that perform well in search engines and engage users.

How to post new YouTube videos on Facebook

Zapier | By Khamosh Pathak

April 24, 2024

  • Automation is crucial for social media strategies, especially when you have a lot of content to share.
  • Imagine you have a busy YouTube channel, manually posting new videos on your Facebook Page can distract you from more important tasks.
  • That's where a simple automated workflow comes in.
  • You can create a "Zap," which is like an automated assistant, to connect your YouTube channel to your Facebook Page.
  • When a new video is uploaded to YouTube, the Zap will automatically share it on your Facebook Page.
  • This saves you time and ensures your Facebook audience is always up-to-date with your latest videos.

NVIDIA to Acquire GPU Orchestration Software Provider Run:ai

Nvidia | By Alexis Bjorlin

April 24, 2024

  • NVIDIA has announced the acquisition of Run:ai, a software provider that helps companies efficiently use their AI computing resources.
  • Run:ai's platform provides a centralized interface to manage AI workloads, optimize resource usage, and pool computing power.
  • By combining Run:ai's capabilities with NVIDIA's accelerated computing platform, customers will gain an improved management system for their AI workloads, making it easier to access, manage, and share resources for complex AI tasks.
  • This acquisition will simplify AI deployments and maximize the value of compute investments, allowing customers to focus on developing and deploying AI applications rather than managing infrastructure.

After creating Google Photos and Bump, David Lieb is our newest Group Partner

YCombinator | By Garry Tan

April 18, 2024

  • Google Photos, which boasts over a billion users today, originated from the mobile app Bump, acquired by Google in 2013.
  • Bump was a revolutionary app that allowed users to share photos and contact information by bumping their phones together.
  • Led by David Lieb, Bump's founder and CEO, the photo-sharing app they were developing formed the basis for Google Photos.
  • Lieb's expertise in using artificial intelligence (AI) in consumer products, such as AI search, face recognition, and editing, has been instrumental in Google Photos' success.
  • As an advisor at YC, Lieb emphasizes the importance of focusing on real users' needs and their feedback.
  • His journey with Bump, from its humble beginnings to becoming one of the largest photo services, serves as an inspiration for founders to think big and prioritize customer satisfaction.

The Art of System Debugging — Decoding CPU Utilization

Flipkart | By Emmanuel Livingstone

April 23, 2024

  • A pod was experiencing abnormally high system CPU utilization compared to its user CPU utilization, indicating excessive system resource usage.
  • Flame graphs revealed that a Java function, Runtime.availableProcessors, was consuming a significant portion of CPU time in the unhealthy pod.
  • Upon investigating the flame graph further, it was discovered that this function was being called frequently by CompletableFuture.waitingGet.
  • Researching Java bug trackers led to the identification of a root cause: a performance issue in Runtime.availableProcessors that was exacerbated by excessive calls from CompletableFuture.waitingGet.
  • Mitigating this issue involved upgrading Java or setting a specific JVM argument to limit the number of active processors.
  • After these measures were implemented, the pod's performance improved significantly.

Embracing AI in Talent Acquisition: Insights from Atlassian’s Journey with HackerRank

Hackerrank | By Tanvi Sharma

April 23, 2024

  • Atlassian, a tech industry leader, has integrated artificial intelligence (AI) into its recruitment processes through a partnership with HackerRank.
  • This partnership has transformed how Atlassian hires, especially for entry-level positions and recent graduates.
  • AI streamlines operations, reduces biases, and enhances candidate experiences from initial contact to hiring.
  • Atlassian's success with HackerRank's AI-powered tools, such as plagiarism detection and automated evaluations, has resulted in significant productivity gains and precise candidate identification.
  • By embracing AI, Atlassian demonstrates its commitment to innovation and its role as a pioneer in modern recruitment practices.
  • As AI evolves, its impact on talent acquisition is expected to continue growing, offering even greater efficiency and accuracy in finding and hiring exceptional candidates.

Kubernetes 1.30: Read-only volume mounts can be finally literally read-only


April 23, 2024

  • Kubernetes now supports "recursive read-only" mounts, ensuring that mounted volumes are truly read-only and preventing accidental changes.
  • By enabling this feature and setting "readOnly" to "true," you can apply additional restrictions that make the mounts completely immutable.
  • This is achieved by utilizing a new kernel feature in Linux kernels version 5.12 and above.
  • To use recursive read-only mounts, you'll need Kubernetes version 1.30 or later with the feature gate enabled, as well as compatible CRI and OCI runtimes.

How to make a table in Google Sheets

Zapier | By Hachem Ramki

April 23, 2024

  • Creating a table in Google Sheets allows you to organize and highlight specific data within a larger spreadsheet.
  • To create a table, add descriptive headers to the columns and input your data.
  • Format the cells with appropriate styles, border the table outline, and add visual flair to make the data stand out.
  • Utilize filters to sort and organize your data easily.
  • Add additional rows and columns as needed.
  • Enhance your tables with formulas for calculations and name them for easy reference.
  • Consider exporting or importing data as needed.
  • Collaborate with teammates and utilize version control for tracking changes.
  • Leverage keyboard shortcuts for faster table creation, and explore data validation and conditional formatting for advanced customization.
  • Remember, creating a table is more like "shaping" an existing table to visualize your data effectively.

How to choose the best automation software

Zapier | By Will Harris

April 24, 2024

  • To improve efficiency and empower teams, consider using an automation platform.
  • Selecting the right one involves several steps: first, determine the processes to automate by reviewing current processes and imagining ideal ones.
  • Next, ensure the platform integrates with your existing apps and consider the complexity of your workflows.
  • Estimate the number of tasks you'll automate to factor in pricing.
  • Choose a platform that allows for scalability as you expand automation.
  • Additionally, consider must-have features like ease of use, AI capabilities, and built-in apps.
  • Don't overlook security and compliance standards, and take advantage of free trials to test potential platforms before committing.

Build a Chatbot with Ryzen™ AI Processors


April 23, 2024

  • Ryzen™ AI technology combines dedicated processing units and software to power AI applications on laptops.
  • This enables the creation of AI tools on personal computers, such as chatbots, that previously required cloud computing.
  • AMD Ryzen AI simplifies AI deployment with its software development kit, allowing developers to optimize and deploy machine learning models directly on Ryzen AI laptops.
  • The three-step process of downloading, quantizing, and deploying a pre-trained language model, like Opt-1.3b, enables the creation of local AI chatbots.
  • By harnessing the NPU and optimizing resources, Ryzen™ AI enhances the efficiency of AI applications on laptops, opening new possibilities for innovation, productivity, and creativity.

Reducing Downtime from HBase Table Descriptor Modifications

Hubspot | By Ray Mattingly

April 23, 2024

  • HBase table descriptor modifications usually cause downtime for users due to region reopening, which can lead to slowness and errors.
  • To solve this, HBase now provides two configuration options: "hbase.reopen.table.regions.progressive.batch.size.max" and "hbase.reopen.table.regions.progressive.batch.backoff.ms." By setting these values, you can control the number of regions reopened in each batch and the time between batches.
  • This throttling reduces downtime and its impact on user experience.
  • Additionally, "lazy table modifications" can be used in specific cases where region reopening is not necessary, further minimizing downtime.
  • These features are available in HBase 2.6, and implementing them can significantly improve the user experience during descriptor modifications.

Experience Meta Llama 3 with AMD Ryzen™ AI and Radeon™ 7000 Series Graphics


April 22, 2024

  • AMD's AI strategy aims to make AI accessible to everyone.
  • The recently released Llama 3 model from Meta is now available for use on AMD Ryzen AI PCs and Radeon graphics cards.
  • With AMD's powerful Neural Processing Unit (NPU), you can run AI tasks efficiently.
  • To experience Llama 3, simply download LM Studio and select the model.
  • For Radeon users, enable GPU offload for faster performance.
  • AMD remains committed to advancing AI and making it accessible through its AI PCs.

Four key elements to building an AI team

Notion | By Shir Yehoshua

April 5, 2024

  • The author, Shir Yehoshua, discovered her passion for solving complex math problems in high school and pursued it in college.
  • Later, she joined Google and encountered limitations in developing a voice-activated assistant.
  • At Waymo, she realized the importance of clarity in overcoming technical challenges.
  • Currently leading Notion's AI team, Yehoshua emphasizes the significance of flexibility, humility, clarity, and speed in making progress.
  • She believes that remaining flexible allows for the exploration of different approaches, while humility helps acknowledge limitations.
  • Clarity enables alignment on solutions, and speed drives innovation by facilitating rapid iteration and decision-making.
  • By embracing these principles, the Notion AI team aims to push the boundaries of what is possible with AI technology.

Supabase Security Advisor & Performance Advisor


April 18, 2024

  • Supabase Studio is introducing new tools for security and performance optimization.
  • The Security Advisor detects potential configuration issues, while the Performance Advisor suggests database optimizations.
  • Additionally, the Index Advisor helps identify queries that could benefit from indexes.
  • These features aim to streamline troubleshooting and enhance database performance, especially as projects scale.
  • They provide guidance on security practices, indexing strategies, and performance improvements.
  • By automating data analysis, Supabase empowers developers to resolve issues quickly and gain insights into their database configurations.

Getting to know YC's newest Group Partner, David Lieb

YCombinator | By Greg Kumparak

April 24, 2024

  • After a decade at Google where David worked on Google Photos, he faced a life-changing diagnosis of leukemia.
  • Upon recovery, he realized that he wanted to return to working with startups in their early stages.
  • David joined Y Combinator (YC), an accelerator program for early-stage startups, where he found himself in a similar environment to the one he had experienced as a founder.
  • YC has significantly expanded since his time as a founder, offering more resources and support to startups.
  • One of the biggest surprises for David has been how YC operates very similarly to the startups it advises, prioritizing software, speed, and iteration.
  • If he could go back to his early days at Bump, he would advise himself to trust his instincts and allow the product to develop in the direction it wanted to go, which ultimately led to Google Photos.

Multi Objective Optimisation in Suggestions Ranking @ Flipkart

Flipkart | By Pranjal Sanjanwala

April 19, 2024

  • To enhance the ranking of search results, two solutions were initially explored: separating compute-intensive L2 ranking from the index and creating a custom scoring model.
  • However, these approaches proved challenging.
  • Instead, a quick multi-objective optimization (MOO) setup was implemented.
  • This setup combines the scores of two models into a single fusion model.
  • By leveraging tree weights, the influence of each model and its trees can be adjusted.
  • While this solution has limitations, it quickly enabled the testing of a multi-objective ranking approach.
  • Subsequently, the team has progressed towards a more comprehensive solution involving custom L2 ranking to support complex models and meet performance requirements.

Where is the archive in Gmail? A quick guide with a simple answer

Zapier | By Dylan Reber

April 22, 2024

  • In Gmail, there's no specific "archive" folder.
  • Instead, anything that's not in your inbox or trash is considered archived.
  • To access your archived emails, go to the "All Mail" folder.
  • You can also archive emails by clicking the "Archive" button from your inbox or directly from an open email.
  • If you accidentally archive an email, you can easily restore it to your inbox from the "All Mail" folder.
  • The "All Mail" folder also includes emails from your inbox, so to search only archived emails, use the search bar and type "NOT label:inbox." Additionally, you can label archived emails to keep them organized.
  • Gmail allows you to set up filters to automatically archive emails that meet certain criteria, making it easy to manage your inbox efficiently.

Ensuring data reliability and observability in risk systems


April 23, 2024

  • Grab utilizes an in-house platform called GrabDefence for risk management, which relies on vast amounts of data.
  • To ensure data reliability, GrabDefense leverages Apache Flink for real-time data analysis and Datadog for monitoring.
  • Flink processes data from various sources, transforming it into a standardized format for easy aggregation.
  • Datadog then visualizes the data, detects anomalies, and sends alerts through Slack, allowing teams to quickly identify and address any data issues.
  • By organizing monitors according to source streams, Grab simplifies the monitoring process, enabling teams to pinpoint the exact pipeline experiencing problems.
  • This robust data observability system has significantly improved anomaly detection, reducing the time taken to resolve data issues from days to hours.
  • Grab plans to expand the coverage of this tool and continue refining the workflows to enhance overall system reliability and performance.

Learn Next.js by Building a Cloud Photo App

freeCodeCamp | By Beau Carnes

April 24, 2024

  • freeCodeCamp's new video course teaches you how to build a photo management app like Google Photos using Next.js.
  • Led by experienced instructor Colby Fayock, the course covers everything from the basics of Next.js to advanced features like image transformation, data management, and AI integrations.
  • Through hands-on practice, you'll learn efficient image handling, dynamic UI enhancements, performance optimization, and more.
  • Whether you're a beginner looking to improve your coding skills or an experienced developer wanting to enhance your web applications, this comprehensive course empowers you to create sophisticated and engaging photo apps.
  • Dive into the 4-hour video on freeCodeCamp.org's YouTube channel and elevate your web development capabilities.

NVIDIA Honors Partners of the Year in Europe, Middle East, Africa

Nvidia | By Kristen Yee

April 18, 2024

  • NVIDIA honored 18 partners in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa for their contributions to advancing artificial intelligence (AI).
  • The awards recognized exceptional revenue growth, innovation, and service excellence.
  • Vesper Technologies, AMBER AI, and HIPER Global received Rising Star awards for their impressive growth and customer base expansion.
  • Boston Limited, DELTA Computer Products, and COMMit DMCC won Star Performer awards for their outstanding sales achievements and technical expertise.
  • PNY and TD Synnex were honored as Distributors of the Year for their support of NVIDIA's accelerated computing platforms.
  • Bynet Data Communications, Vesper Technologies, and M Computers received Go-to-Market Excellence awards for their effective marketing strategies.
  • WPP, Ascon Systems, and Gcore earned Industry Innovation awards for their unique AI applications in marketing, manufacturing, and speech recognition.
  • Arrow Electronics won the Pioneer Award for promoting healthcare applications of NVIDIA's IGX Orin platform.
  • SoftServe received the Consulting Partner of the Year award for its work with partners to drive AI adoption and train professionals.

Scale iOS Live Activities - APN Optimizations

Jio Cinema | By Anirudh Singh

April 21, 2024

  • We use a service called APNs to send real-time updates to our users.
  • Initially, our system faced challenges with slowness and timeouts.
  • To address this, we made optimizations such as managing multiple requests concurrently, utilizing channels to control the flow of requests, and implementing a connection pool with diversified host connections.
  • These enhancements have significantly improved our communication with APNs, resulting in a success rate of over 99.99%, enabling us to deliver seamless and timely updates to our users.

How to Add Media to Your HTML Email Template

freeCodeCamp | By Fanny Nyayic

April 23, 2024

  • To enhance the engagement of your HTML email templates, you can incorporate media such as images, videos, and audio.
  • Images can be resized and uploaded to a web server, with their URL included in your template.
  • For videos, create a thumbnail and link it to the video's URL.
  • Alternatively, embed YouTube videos using their iframe code.
  • Audio files can be hosted on a platform and embedded using a link or iframe.
  • Remember to provide descriptive text for images and captions for audio/video content.
  • To ensure compatibility, use absolute URLs and test your emails across different email clients.
  • Keep load times short by optimizing media file sizes.

Let’s talk open design

Canonical | By Ana Sereijo (Ana Sereijo)

April 19, 2024

  • At Canonical, we believe in open collaboration and the power of shared knowledge.
  • Ubuntu, our open-source operating system, has been a pioneer in open source.
  • We acknowledge that our design processes could be more transparent, especially in areas like visual design, user experience, and research.
  • To address this, we have created a working group within our Design team.
  • Our goal is to make it easier for external designers to contribute to open-source projects.
  • We are gathering feedback from designers and project maintainers to understand their needs and interests.
  • By doing so, we can develop resources that bridge the gap between designers and open-source contributors.
  • We invite both designers and project maintainers to participate in our survey to share their valuable insights.
  • Your input will help us tailor our efforts and ensure we are on the right path to foster a more open and collaborative design process.

What we launched at Framework

Figma | By Jacob Miller

April 16, 2024

  • Figma's design systems aim to enhance teamwork and productivity.
  • To increase adoption and utilize their full potential, they've implemented marketing strategies and collected community feedback.
  • New features like variables, advanced prototyping, and Code Connect streamline code access for developers, making design systems more accessible and useful.
  • Typography and gradient variables offer greater control and flexibility over text and color schemes.
  • Additionally, the Library Analytics API enables in-depth data analysis for Enterprise customers.
  • With these advancements, Figma empowers teams to create and maintain robust design systems that promote collaboration and ensure consistency throughout organizations.

7 monday.com features to streamline your project management

Zapier | By Hsing Tseng

April 22, 2024

  • monday.com is a versatile work management platform designed to simplify and streamline your workflow with a plethora of features.
  • Its unique interface and flexibility allow you to organize projects in numerous ways, including folders, subfolders, portfolios, boards, and various views.
  • monday.com excels in automating tasks, storing project information in workdocs, providing dashboards for data visualization, and integrating with a wide range of other tools.
  • Additionally, it offers time tracking capabilities and seamless integration with Zapier, expanding its functionality to thousands of additional apps.
  • By harnessing the platform's capabilities, teams can enhance productivity, optimize resource allocation, and gain a comprehensive view of their projects.

17 testimonial advertising examples to inspire your next campaign

Zapier | By Ryan Kane

April 22, 2024

  • The concept of testimonial advertising involves customers endorsing products, which companies use in advertisements.
  • Many businesses employ this strategy to build trust, including the cereal company Surreal, known for its amusing "Serena Williams" endorsement.
  • Different types of testimonial ads include text, images, videos, and user-generated content.
  • Brands utilize these ads in various formats, such as LinkedIn ads, Instagram posts, and Facebook case studies, tailoring their messaging to their target audience and leveraging influencers and user endorsements to promote their products effectively.

From margins to mainstream: Asians and Pacific Islanders in Hollywood


April 24, 2024

  • The US film and television industry has made progress in representing Asian and Pacific Islander (API) actors on-screen, but much work remains.
  • Behind the camera, API professionals face underrepresentation in key roles.
  • Despite this, the influence of API stories has been significant, with successes like "Everything Everywhere All at Once." Studies show that API consumers would spend more on entertainment if their experiences were represented authentically.
  • This represents a potential multibillion-dollar opportunity for the industry.
  • Increasing API representation requires efforts such as promoting API projects in leadership positions, securing financial support for creators, investing in off-screen talent, and expanding criteria for evaluating projects.
  • By embracing these ideas, the industry can not only enhance storytelling but also capitalize on the growing API audience and boost revenues.

Rising Tide Rents and Robber Baron Rents

Oreilly | By Tim O’Reilly

April 23, 2024

  • Once driven by a "Do no evil" mantra, Google and Amazon have faced criticism for prioritizing profits over customer satisfaction.
  • They now collect "robber baron rents" by leveraging their market power to extract revenue from existing users instead of continuing to create value.
  • Google places ads before organic search results, while Amazon prioritizes paid results over its own quality algorithms, leading users to choose inferior and more expensive products.
  • This behavior harms users and suppliers, potentially leading to a decline in the ecosystem of services they provide.
  • However, a new generation of companies, such as those using Large Language Models (LLMs), may disrupt the dominance of Google and Amazon by focusing on value creation rather than extraction.
  • To prevent the recurrence of "robber baron" rents in the AI industry, regulators should insist on transparency and accountability from AI developers to monitor their incentives and ensure that they prioritize the interests of users and society.

Enterprise best practices: successfully govern your API content and users

Postman | By Garrett London

April 23, 2024

  • Postman, a popular software for managing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), is hosting its annual conference from April 30th to May 1st, 2024, in San Francisco.
  • At the conference, experts will share best practices for businesses that use APIs, focusing on how to effectively control access to APIs and their content to ensure secure and efficient operations within the organization.

The McKinsey Crossword: Women’s Book Club | No. 177


April 23, 2024

  • For a fun brain challenge, try our interactive puzzle or print it out for a relaxing activity.
  • New puzzles are released every Tuesday.
  • To get regular updates, sign up for our weekly email alerts.
  • You can access all our puzzles in one convenient location by clicking on the "See all puzzles" link.

How trauma affects your work—and what to do about it

Zapier | By Liz Melton

April 24, 2024

  • Losing a loved one is a profound and ongoing experience, triggering waves of grief unexpectedly.
  • Trauma can affect your work in various ways, including difficulty concentrating, feelings of isolation, and fear of being judged.
  • To address this, consider embracing the discomfort, doing a gut check to identify and acknowledge your feelings, using your experience as an opportunity to educate others, and taking time off if possible.
  • As a manager, you can support employees by listening attentively, asking for their needs, consulting with HR, and avoiding judgmental statements.
  • Remember that everyone experiences trauma differently and that having coping mechanisms can empower you to navigate this challenging time.

How to Customize Your Development Workflow Using Personalized Development Environment

Agoda | By Agoda Engineering

April 18, 2024

  • Vim, a widely used text editor, offers extensive customization options and powerful functionality.
  • Its ubiquity makes it a solid base for creating Personalized Development Environments (PDEs), where you can tailor the editor to your specific needs using plugins, scripts, and extensions.
  • However, its primary text-based interface may not be everyone's preference.
  • While graphical user interfaces are available, they rely on the underlying text interface.
  • Additionally, Vim can encounter performance issues with large files.
  • If you're looking to enhance your development workflow, consider your specific requirements before adopting a PDE.
  • Carefully evaluate the tools available and choose only what you need to avoid unnecessary complexity.
  • Remember, customization allows you to solve problems in a way that suits your unique style and preferences.

Genomics workflows, Part 6: cost prediction

AWS Architecture | By Rostislav Markov

April 24, 2024

  • Scientists use a web application built with React to enter the details of their genomics workflow runs.
  • The application connects to an Amazon API Gateway, which triggers an AWS Lambda function.
  • This function then calls an AWS SageMaker endpoint to predict the cost of the workflow run.
  • Each workflow has a dedicated ML model trained on historical data to improve cost prediction accuracy.
  • A scheduler in Amazon EventBridge Scheduler periodically triggers model training, automated by an AWS Step Functions state machine using the SageMaker SDK.
  • The state machine trains new models, registers them, and creates hosted endpoints for improved models.
  • This solution helps genomics teams estimate cost, avoid overspending, and promote cost awareness.

Procedural Macros in Rust – A Handbook for Beginners

freeCodeCamp | By Anshul Sanghi

April 24, 2024

  • Procedural macros in Rust allow you to extend the language with custom functionality.
  • This guide teaches you how to write macros, starting from simple ones to more elaborate ones.
  • You can create macros that generate code based on input (derive macros), add behavior to code (attribute macros), or create function-like shortcuts (function-like macros).
  • While macros offer great flexibility, they also have drawbacks like lack of debugging and auto-completion support, which should be considered when deciding whether or not to use macros.
  • This guide assumes basic Rust knowledge and provides real-world examples and a repository with code.

New and noteworthy apps: Schedule by Zapier, Notion, and more

Zapier | By Krystina Martinez

April 23, 2024

  • Zapier's latest updates enhance its integration capabilities with popular tools such as Schedule, Notion, Xero, and more.
  • Schedule now offers custom frequency triggers for automated tasks, while Notion integration expands to support files and status properties for databases.
  • Xero's updates simplify financial management with triggers for updated invoices and new credit notes.
  • Intercom's integration improves communication with a "Contact Replied" trigger and "Reply to Contact" action.
  • Pardot and Marketo integrations enhance lead management with new triggers for status updates and lead changes.
  • Stripe's actions streamline payment processing, and Jira Software Cloud's additions aid in issue searching and sprint organization.
  • Big Cartel's integration expands with triggers and actions for order management and inventory tracking.
  • TalentLMS empowers users with API requests and custom actions, while FreshBooks supports credit notes for accounting automation.
  • Onfleet's updated integration enables order creation and management, and Copilot introduces triggers for project automation.
  • Other integrations include Zapier Chatbots for custom AI chatbots, Connekter for lead generation, StreamYard for live streaming, and Dex for relationship building.

Register now and save 50% on training at Data + AI Summit


April 23, 2024

  • Take advantage of a special offer at Data + AI Summit! For a limited time, you can save 50% on training and certification using the code TRAIN50FOTY.
  • This exclusive deal won't last forever, so don't miss out on this opportunity to upskill and advance your career in the exciting field of data and AI.

How to Implement JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) in PHP – PHP Authentication Handbook

freeCodeCamp | By oghenekparobo stephen

April 24, 2024

  • JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are a secure and reliable way to authenticate and authorize users in web applications.
  • By implementing JWTs, you can easily create and verify tokens that contain user data and other important information.
  • In this article, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of creating JWTs from scratch in PHP.
  • We'll cover everything from setting up your project to generating and validating tokens.
  • Along the way, we'll also discuss the importance of token expiration and how to use refresh tokens to enhance security.
  • By the end of this article, you'll have a solid understanding of how to use JWTs in your own web applications.

How we built a custom permissions DSL at Figma

Figma | By Jorge Silva

March 13, 2024

  • By adding a "linter" to our software pipeline, we improved the accuracy of our code by detecting potential bugs before they reached production.
  • This static analysis approach allowed us to uncover and address issues faster, ultimately preventing them from impacting users.
  • Additionally, we developed a bespoke authorization DSL that solved a complex problem specifically for our company.
  • This custom solution gave us complete control over our authorization logic, reduced errors, and provided valuable tools for engineers and support teams to understand and troubleshoot permission checks.

DISA publishes STIG for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Canonical | By Henry Coggill (Henry Coggill)

April 18, 2024

  • The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) has released a Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, providing guidelines for hardening your system's security.
  • This STIG is freely available for download from the DODCyber Exchange.
  • While the STIG consists of a manual document with detailed instructions, Canonical is developing the Ubuntu Security Guide (USG), an automation tool that will simplify the process.
  • The USG profile is expected to be released in Summer 2024, enabling users to easily apply the STIG rules to their systems and improve their security posture.

Climate Tech Startups Integrate NVIDIA AI for Sustainability Applications

Nvidia | By Tenika Versey Walker

April 22, 2024

  • In celebration of Earth Day, NVIDIA is supporting startups focused on sustainability through its Sustainable Futures program.
  • These startups are using NVIDIA technology to tackle various environmental challenges: Bug Mars utilizes AI to optimize insect farming for food security, Vibrant Planet models vegetation for wildfire resilience, Tomorrow.io develops weather forecasting AI to assist farmers in adapting to climate changes, WindBorne Systems creates weather-sensing balloons for accurate forecasts, and FortyGuard employs AI to monitor urban heat and help cities become more livable.
  • Through accelerated computing and the NVIDIA Earth-2 platform, these startups are advancing their solutions to address climate and environmental issues.

Create SocialBee content on autopilot with RSS feeds

Zapier | By Nicole Replogle

April 23, 2024

  • Social media managers often face challenges managing multiple accounts and creating engaging content for each platform.
  • SocialBee is a platform that simplifies this process, allowing users to schedule and analyze content across various channels.
  • However, generating enough content for multiple channels can still be a hurdle.
  • By connecting SocialBee to RSS feeds using Zapier, brands can automate the process of turning blog posts and news items into social media posts.
  • This saves time and ensures that important content is not overlooked.
  • Zapier also supports connections with other apps, allowing users to automate various tasks related to content creation and sharing.

How to set or schedule an out of office status in Teams (and then remove it)

Zapier | By Bryce Emley

April 22, 2024

  • Want to let others know you're out of the office? In Microsoft Teams for Business, you can set an out-of-office message that sends automatic replies during a specific time frame.
  • In Teams 365, you can set a status message instead, along with an away status.
  • On mobile, you can also set a status message and away status.
  • Remember, the away status needs to be manually turned off when you return.
  • If you set a time for your status message to clear, it will disappear automatically.
  • Otherwise, you'll need to remove it manually.
  • Additionally, leaving clear instructions for your responsibilities and providing contingency contact information in your message can ensure smoother operations while you're away.

How to create Google Docs templates based on form responses

Zapier | By Matt Haughey

April 18, 2024

  • To create a system where form responses from Google Forms are automatically turned into customized Google Docs and notified to submitters via Slack, follow these steps: 1.
  • Create a form with required fields and collect the submitter's email. 2.
  • Create a Zap (connection) that triggers when a new form response is submitted. 3.
  • Design a Google Docs template with placeholders for form responses and link it to the Zap. 4.
  • Add a step to notify the submitter through Slack by finding their email in the Google Form response and sending a direct message with a link to their customized Google Doc.

10 examples of ethos in advertising to inspire your next campaign

Zapier | By Hannah Herman

April 23, 2024

  • Advertising is simply a means of persuasion, aiming to influence our thoughts, emotions, or actions, often by highlighting the expertise or authority of the brand or product.
  • By using concepts such as ethos, which appeals to credibility and trustworthiness, ads can build trust and establish the brand as a reliable source of information.
  • Ethos is often a blend of scientific evidence, expert endorsements, or the reputation of the brand itself.
  • It can create an instant connection with the audience, clarifying the message and fostering brand loyalty.
  • While ethos is a powerful tool, it must be balanced with other forms of persuasion for authenticity and effectiveness to avoid coming across as a logical fallacy.

Connect Calendly to Zoom: Create meetings from scheduled events

Zapier | By Khamosh Pathak

April 19, 2024

  • Scheduling apps streamline appointment setting, eliminating the hassle of emails and phone calls.
  • To enhance their functionality, you can use Zapier, an automation tool.
  • Zapier allows you to automatically add Zoom meeting information to your Calendly invitations.
  • After creating a Zap on Zapier, you can connect your Calendly and Zoom accounts.
  • Customize the trigger and action settings to define when and how Zoom meetings are created for new Calendly appointments.
  • You can specify meeting details like topic, time, duration, and password.
  • By setting up this automated workflow, you can easily manage your meetings, ensuring all necessary information is automatically shared with attendees.

The right code for your design system

Figma | By Emil Sjölander

April 16, 2024

  • Code Connect is a new tool that helps designers and developers work together seamlessly.
  • It lets designers share approved code samples and documentation directly from their design system.
  • This ensures that developers have access to the most up-to-date and accurate information, reducing errors and inconsistencies.
  • As teams grow, Code Connect helps keep everyone on the same page, preventing silos and ensuring everyone is working from the same source of truth.
  • In the future, Code Connect could enable even deeper integrations between design and development workflows, including automatic audits, analytics, and streamlined approval processes.
  • Beta access is available now for certain Figma plans, with general availability planned later this year.

Easily Deploy Multiple LLMs in a Cloud Native Environment


April 23, 2024

  • Simplifying the deployment of powerful language models (LLMs) in a cloud native environment is now possible with the help of LangChain.
  • This open source framework allows businesses to integrate multiple LLMs into their workflows, providing tailored AI assistance for various use cases.
  • The process involves choosing and packaging appropriate LLMs, considering local or external consumption models, and containerizing the models for deployment within Kubernetes.
  • Integrating multiple LLMs through an LLM proxy enables seamless switching between models, offering customized AI support for various business needs.
  • With LangChain and Intel Kubernetes Service (IKS), organizations can easily deploy and manage LLMs, empowering employees with AI-powered productivity tools.

A Day in the Life of a Machine Learning Engineer at Agoda

Agoda | By Agoda Engineering

April 23, 2024

  • As a machine learning engineer, I help optimize online advertising campaigns by using techniques like reinforcement learning to adjust bids in real-time.
  • I work with large data sets using tools like Apache Spark to process and analyze data efficiently.
  • Our team collaborates closely with non-technical teams to gather requirements and ensure our goals align with business needs.
  • We regularly improve our ad structure to enhance machine learning performance and emphasize data quality to improve results.
  • By staying abreast of tech advancements and engaging in research, we continue to innovate and leverage machine learning to bring value to Agoda.

Web Performance Regression Detection (Part 1 of 3)

Pinterest | By Pinterest Engineering

April 22, 2024

Data Science
  • The Performance Program at Pinterest aims to prevent and detect performance regressions in their software releases.
  • This program includes various tools and processes, such as regression detection, but it also involves proactive measures before and after code changes.
  • The program continuously monitors real-time user experience and performance metrics, which are crucial for identifying regressions early on and conducting thorough root cause analyses.
  • As part of this initiative, Pinterest highlights the value of a strong performance culture and its positive impact on the company's overall engineering practices.

Rays Up: Decoding AI-Powered DLSS 3.5 Ray Reconstruction

Nvidia | By Henry Lin

April 24, 2024

  • AI continues to enhance PC gaming with the latest DLSS 3.5 update featuring Ray Reconstruction.
  • This AI-powered feature improves the quality of ray-traced images, such as reflections and shadows, for a more realistic and immersive gaming experience.
  • Unlike traditional methods that rely on hand-tuned denoisers, Ray Reconstruction uses an AI network trained by NVIDIA's supercomputer to generate high-quality pixels between the sampled rays.
  • This results in reduced noise and improved overall image quality, especially in games that heavily utilize ray tracing.
  • DLSS 3.5 also includes other AI-powered features like Super Resolution and Frame Generation, which work together to boost performance and provide a smoother gaming experience without sacrificing visual quality.

How Figma’s databases team lived to tell the scale

Figma | By Sammy Steele

March 14, 2024

  • Horizontal sharding divides data into subsets based on specific keys (e.g., UserID) to distribute it across multiple databases.
  • Figma chose this approach to handle its large and complex relational data model.
  • They introduced "colos" to enable efficient cross-table interactions within a single sharding key.
  • To avoid hotspots, they used a hash function on sharding keys to evenly distribute data.
  • To manage sharding, they created a system that separates logical sharding (defining the sharding scheme) from physical sharding (physically moving the data).
  • This allowed them to test and de-risk logical sharding before performing actual data relocation.
  • They built a sophisticated query engine within their DBProxy service to handle complex queries and scatter-gather scenarios.
  • They used PostgreSQL views to simulate logical shards before physical sharding, ensuring a gradual and safe rollout.
  • The topology library manages the dynamic state of logical and physical databases.
  • The physical sharding operation involved migrating data from a single database to multiple databases.
  • With their horizontal sharding journey underway, Figma aims to overcome challenges and fully leverage the benefits of improved reliability, cost savings, and developer velocity.

How does ChatGPT work? As explained by the ChatGPT team.

The Pragmatic Engineer | By Gergely Orosz

April 21, 2024

  • ChatGPT, a language-generation AI, operates by breaking down input text into smaller units called tokens.
  • These tokens are converted into mathematical representations called embeddings, which are then multiplied by billions of "model weights" to predict the most likely next token.
  • This process is repeated over and over, sampling the most likely tokens to form a coherent response.
  • ChatGPT's ability to accurately predict the next token is due to its training on a vast dataset of human-created text, allowing it to generate language that sounds natural and informative.
  • However, it's important to note that ChatGPT does not possess human understanding or consciousness, but rather relies on statistical patterns to generate its responses.

Google's Gemini AI models now available on Zapier

Zapier | By Krystina Martinez

April 23, 2024

  • Google's Gemini, a collection of AI models, is now accessible through Zapier, an automation platform.
  • This integration allows you to seamlessly automate tasks using Gemini, along with other popular AI models like GPT and Claude 2.
  • Through Zapier's simple interface, you can link Gemini to over 6,000 apps, enabling you to automate complex workflows efficiently.
  • Gemini's versatility makes it suitable for both non-coders and developers, with three models (Nano, Pro, and Ultra) to choose from, offering flexibility and scalability for your AI-powered automation needs.

OpenELM: An Efficient Language Model Family with Open-source Training and Inference Framework

Apple ML Research

April 24, 2024

  • To enhance the reliability and accessibility of large language models, researchers have released OpenELM, a cutting-edge open language model.
  • This model outperforms existing models with fewer resources, using an innovative strategy to distribute parameters within its structure.
  • Moreover, OpenELM provides a comprehensive framework that includes all components necessary for training, evaluating, and deploying the model in a public and transparent manner.
  • By sharing these resources, researchers hope to foster collaboration, ensure the trustworthiness of language models, and empower the open research community for future advancements.

The phenomenon of 'ghost patients' in the NHS and a reimagining of patient registrations

Thoughtworks | By Martin Warden, Phil Thornley

April 18, 2024

  • The phenomenon of "ghost patients" in the National Health Service (NHS) occurs when patients register with a doctor but never visit or engage with any services.
  • This issue affects the accuracy of patient records and can lead to healthcare resources being misallocated.
  • To address this problem, the NHS is considering a new approach to patient registration, where individuals would need to actively engage with services within a certain timeframe to maintain their registration.
  • By doing so, the NHS aims to improve the accuracy of patient records and ensure that resources are directed to those who genuinely need them.

Tech Upskilling Programs: Expectations vs. Reality

Hackerrank | By Ryan Loftus

April 18, 2024

  • In the rapidly advancing tech industry, upskilling is crucial for tech professionals to maintain their skills and stay competitive.
  • While many companies offer upskilling programs, there is a gap between what employers think is available and what developers experience.
  • Managers tend to overestimate the availability of upskilling opportunities, while developers often lack time and awareness to effectively utilize them.
  • This discrepancy highlights the need for clear communication and developer involvement in planning and implementing upskilling initiatives.
  • Despite some skepticism, most developers and managers agree that upskilling is beneficial, leading to increased productivity, innovation, and job satisfaction.
  • Organizations that prioritize upskilling by providing adequate resources, support, and time can empower their developers to enhance their skills and stay ahead in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Claude vs. ChatGPT: What's the difference? [2024]

Zapier | By Ryan Kane

April 18, 2024

  • Claude and ChatGPT are powerful artificial intelligence tools with different strengths.
  • Claude excels in analyzing and summarizing lengthy texts due to its larger context window, making it ideal for tasks like in-depth research and document review.
  • ChatGPT, on the other hand, is more versatile due to its integrations with image generators, internet access, and various specialized GPTs.
  • If you need an AI assistant for creative tasks like writing, brainstorming, or editing, Claude is a better choice.
  • However, if you need a jack-of-all-trades tool for a wide range of tasks, including image generation, web browsing, and custom GPTs, ChatGPT is the better option.

Kubernetes 1.30: Beta Support For Pods With User Namespaces


April 22, 2024

  • Linux has a feature called "user namespaces" that isolates the user and group IDs used within a container from those on the host.
  • This means that even if a process breaks out of the container, it will have limited privileges on the host system.
  • In Kubernetes 1.30, user namespaces became a beta feature, meaning they are now stable enough for wider use.
  • By enabling user namespaces for pods, you can improve their security by preventing lateral movement between containers and reducing the impact of a container breakout.

Linux Foundation Newsletter: April 2024

Linux Foundation | By andrewb@proximabiz.com (The Linux Foundation)

April 24, 2024

  • The Linux Foundation's April newsletter highlights the latest updates, including the release of SPDX 3.0, the launch of new projects like Margo, Valkey, and OPEA, and the introduction of LF Security.
  • The newsletter also announces OSSNA and ONE Summit events, offers exclusive training discounts, and shares updates from Linux Foundation projects, including the Alliance for OpenUSD, eBPF Foundation, Hyperledger Foundation, and more.
  • It concludes with a list of upcoming events, encouraging readers to follow the Linux Foundation on social media for real-time updates and news.

Meet Snowflake Arctic, our new LLM!

Streamlit | By Adrien Treuille

April 24, 2024

  • Arctic is an exciting new technology that allows you to easily create interactive applications that harness the power of AI language models.
  • To get started, you can chat with an Arctic AI assistant through a live demo or remix code examples on GitHub.
  • You can also join the Streamlit Community Hackathon for mentorship and platform access.
  • Arctic will soon be available on various app marketplaces like AWS and NVIDIA AI Catalog.
  • Don't forget to share your creations in the Streamlit community and use the #SnowflakeArctic hashtag.

Announcing the General Availability of Databricks Asset Bundles


April 23, 2024

  • We're excited to announce the availability of Databricks Asset Bundles (DABs).
  • These bundles make it simple for you to combine and manage related resources like jobs, dashboards, and data sources in a single package.
  • With DABs, you can easily organize and share your data and analytics assets, making it easier to collaborate and reuse resources across your team.

Einstein Copilot for Tableau: Building the Next Generation of AI-Driven Analytics

Salesforce | By Scott Nyberg

April 23, 2024

  • Salesforce has encountered challenges in integrating and scaling Einstein Copilot for Tableau, an AI-powered analytics tool.
  • To overcome these obstacles and extend the service to more users, the company is leveraging its existing technology and product teams.
  • By streamlining the integration process and enhancing the tool's scalability, Salesforce aims to make Einstein Copilot for Tableau more accessible to businesses seeking to harness the power of AI-driven analytics.